Dynamic shapes (Standard elements)

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Dynamic shapes (Standard elements)

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To design your calendar can use the geometric shapes Circle, Ellipse, Square and Rectangle. You can apply color fills and effects to them, and display them with or without borders.


Shapes in Standard elements

To use a shape, drag the desired element from the Toolbox to the open page in the Page editor.

If you want to resize the element, drag it larger or smaller in the Page editor at the corner handles of the selection frame.

To rotate the element, grab the rotation handle of the selection frame with the mouse and move it until the desired rotation is achieved.

The properties can be adjusted by double-clicking on the element or by right-clicking on the element in the Page editor and selecting Properties.

Ellipse shape

Properties of the Ellipse shape

For the Standard elements Circle, Ellipse, Square and Rectangle you can find the following options in the Properties:

Show as circle - shape circle element to ellipse when dragging selection frame or keep circle shape (corresponding to Rectangle<> Square).
Show border - show element with or without border
Border width - enter a value for the border width
Border color - click on the color field to specify the color of the border in the Color picker
Border position - the border will be drawn inside, outside or centered on your selection frame in the Page editor

Show fill - defines whether the border will be filled with color or the border will be displayed unfilled.
Fill color - click the color field to set the color of the fill in the Color picker
Effect - select an image effect if needed, for example a gradient).

Ellipse shape (Pro version)

Additional properties of the Ellipse shape (Pro version)

These features are only available in the Pro version.

In addition to the properties just described, in the Pro version you can also define the size (width and height) as well as the position and rotation angle of an element via a manual input.