
Dear user community,
do you sometimes wish that you could use AquaSoft programs in your native language?
AquaSoft wants to offer its programs in as many languages as possible. Thus, we want to invite those who have the desire and ability to participate in the implementation of this project to help us out.
As a translation platform we use Pootle, which makes it possible to grant access to the translatable strings to any number of helpers without installing any special software on the user side.
If you want to try already available translation packages, you can download them from our language page for "retrofitting". These packages are updated regularly. However we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the translation, so use them at your own risk.
For participating translators, we want to provide a place for nominated entries.
So, if you would like to participate in this project, then visit our AquaSoft Translation platform and register as a participating translator. Then you'll find at the right some explanations on how to continue on the site.
For the registration of the software is also necessary the translation of two additional files.
We hope for active community participation, hope users enjoy, and would like to say "Thank you" to all helpers.