Program overview

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Program overview

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The structure of the surface

After starting the program you will see this view.

Program overview

Program overview

Use the colored Menu bar on the left edge to select your work step from the Start, Edit, Output areas.
Next to it is the Toolbox with all the tools available for the currently selected menu item.
On the right you will find the Page editor, the workspace, and below it the Page overview.

The Menu bar


Create new project, Open project, Save project, Save project as, Archive project, Exit program
Call help, program info, search update, change license


Select template, customize template or make settings for own template


File browser, from which images are dragged to the page editor, and image tray, for bookmarking images


Decorative elements for use in the Page editor


Full-page background designs for use in the Page editor


Image arrangement layouts for use in the Page editor


Effects for photos, decorations and text elements for use in the Page editor


Text objects for use in the Page editor


Calendars for displaying days, months, years for use in Page editor


Events and event lists for calendar display


Project output


Activate/deactivate language settings, hints and dialogs

YDCal_Btn_Collapse YDCal_Btn_Expand

Minimize/maximize the Menu bar

The Toolbox

In the Toolbox you will find the tools for creating your calendar. The detailed descriptions of the tools can be found in the following chapters.
For the tools Images, Elements, Backgrounds, Layouts, Effects, Text styles you will find a slider at the bottom of the Toolbox to change the zoom level of the Toolbox.
With Search and a keyword you can search the respectively opened Toolbox. Click on the crossed-out circle symbol to remove your search word. You will then be shown all the selection options again.

The Page editor

In the Page editor, you can see how images and text are arranged on the calendar pages. The Page editor is your workspace for placing objects.
Move images, backgrounds, decorations and texts to the desired position. Use the handle points on the objects to zoom in or out. Arrange your images using image layouts and apply image effects.


Undo last action (can be executed multiple times)


Restore last action


Reduce page view / Enlarge side view


Zoom page view to full size


Activate/deactivate calendar binding, display of bleed, crop marks, center lines

Pro version Show/Hide Ruler, Show/Hide Custom auxilliary lines


Enable/disable snapping to centerlines, page margins, rotation grid, bleed, elements.

Pro version Enable/disable snapping for Custom auxilliary lines


Rulers Pro version

In the Pro version, the Page editor is bordered by rulers on the left and top. You can show/hide the rulers at the Grid item.

Custom auxilliary lines Pro version

To use your own auxilliary lines, drag an new auxilliary line from the ruler while holding down the left mouse button. Auxilliary lines can be dragged from the horizontal ruler as well as from the vertical ruler. The custom auxilliary lines are displayed in blue in the Page editor. Custom auxilliary lines can be moved with the mouse in the page editor. To do this, move the mouse over the auxilliary line until a black double arrow appears, then move it while holding down the left mouse button.

To remove a custom auxilliary line, click it with the right mouse button.

Tools for object alignment and mirroring Pro version

You can use the following tools to align objects on a page or spread.

Btn_Alignment Btn_AlignToPage

Alignment: Align to selection / Align to side

Btn_AlignLeft Btn_AlignRight Btn_AlignTop Btn_AlignBottom

Align left / Align right / Align top / Align bottom

Btn_CenterHorizontally Btn_CenterVertically

Center horizontally / Center vertically

Btn_AxisCenterSelection Btn_AxisCenterPage

Mirror axis: Center of the selection / Center of the page

Btn_MirrorVertically Btn_MirrorHorizontally

Mirror vertically / Mirror horizontally

You can find application examples for Change alignment and Mirror in chapter "Layouts"

Objects in the Page editor

Right-click on objects in the Page editor to find more functions.


Properties - changing properties of the element


Edit crop - crop image or change image crop


Cut - cuts out the selected element


Copy - copies the selected element


Paste - inserts an element from the clipboard


Delete - deletes the selected element


Placement - change the arrangement of the element

The properties of an object can also be opened by double-clicking on an element in the Page editor.

Page overview

In the lower Page overview, click on the individual calendar pages to edit them in the Page editor. With the icons on the left edge you can add or remove calendar pages.

Einzelseite hinzufügen

Inserts a new single page after the selected one.

Seite duplizieren

Duplicates the selected page and inserts it after the selected one. In the next step you can enter the number of copies.

Seite löschen

Deletes the selected pages.